brain-computer music interfacing

journeys around the secret place

Oct 1, 2019

book chapter on my experience with art, meditation and BCMI

This chapter is currently under the review. The final version is proposed to be published as a chapter in the ‘Edited Collection on Psychedelic Music’ by an academic publisher in 2021.

From the introduction:

One winter night in 1999, on the plateau of a trip, my friend and I opened a door to a new perspective on our world. Immersed in our village transformed around us, an overpowering feeling of an unusual oneness grew inside me. Things ordinarily not perceived to be connected - suddenly felt inseparable. Since then, I have been referring to this parallel world as the secret place. To help revisit this place, I have been experimenting with poetry, painting, music and meditation as well as more recently with brain-computer music interfacing. This essay outlines these experiments with paying particular attention to how my last Brain-Computer Music Interface (BCMI) using auditory entrainment and neurofeedback in a shamanic context helped discover a state of consciousness altered even more profoundly than the sought secret place. …

Title: Dreaming (2004). My oil painting in size A3.

More paintings here